Intercessions for the First Sunday of Lent – Year C

This material was first published by Redemptorist Publications and is included here with their permission. 


Let us bring our prayers to God giving thanks for his willingness to hear us, for his generosity towards all who call on him and for his power to protect us from all that can harm our souls. 


We pray for God’s church during this season of Lent that she may remain faithful to the Good News she proclaims.  Let her doors always be open and welcoming to those who seek God and her people generous and compassionate towards those who cry out for salvation.

We pray for the nations of this world that their leaders may exercise power with responsibility.  We pray that they will seek justice for those who are oppressed, freedom for those who are held captive and relief for those without food, water or basic medicines.

We pray for our community and particularly for all whose lives are a struggle against poverty, addictions or violence remembering especially children who are at risk in their own homes.

We pray for all who are ill, in pain or distress that they may be comforted, strengthened and protected by the Holy Spirit who ministers God’s love to all who suffer.


Lord God, you sent angels to minister to Jesus in the wilderness during his time of temptation.  We pray that you will send your angels to minister to all those for whom we have prayed and to ourselves as we seek to do your will in the church, the world, our communities and in our own lives.  We offer these prayers to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who leads us along the way of fellowship with you.  Amen.