Intercessions for Proper 11 (Year C) 5th Sunday after Trinity: 21 July 2019

1 Colossians 1.15-28 & Luke 10.38-42 

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the image of our invisible God.  In you dwells the fullness of God and through you all creation is held together and reconciled to God.  Hear us as we pray for your church, your world and all your children whether they know you as their Lord or not.

Lord Jesus, you are the head of the body that is your church in the world.  Sometimes it seems that we and our leaders are too easily distracted by our many tasks.  We are busy with our duties, our meetings and all the administration needed to keep the church functioning from our PCCs to the Archbishops’ Council.  Help us to make time each day to lay aside our distractions and worries and to sit at your feet listening to what you are saying to us.  Keep us centred and steadfast in faith; true servants of your Gospel, revealing the riches and glories of your word among all peoples.

Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer

Lord Jesus, you are the firstborn of all creation, born to have first place in everything.  Sometimes it seems that people in authority get distracted by many things:  self-interest; thirst for power or riches; political intrigue and pressure from the media or just the day to day tasks that come with leadership and responsibility for the employment and welfare of other people.  Help all those in authority to make time each day to lay aside their distractions and worries and to sit at your feet listening to what you have to say about justice, mercy, peace and reconciliation.  Help them to become centred on doing your will and establishing your kingdom on this earth.

Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer

Lord Jesus, you are at the heart of our communities and families.  We pray now for those around us who are in need of your healing and peace today:

Families troubled by poverty, the threat of unemployment or homelessness, the breakdown of relationships.

Families hurting because of violence or addictions and especially for families where children are exposed to danger of any kind.

Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer

Lord Jesus, in you we see God reaching out to those who are ill, broken in body, mind or spirit or weighed down with caring for others.  We pray now that you will reach out and touch those who have asked us to bring them to you:

And in a moment of quiet we ask you to reach out to the people we hold especially close to our hearts.

Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer

Lord Jesus, you are the firstborn from the dead and in you we have the promise of resurrection to new and eternal life.  We pray for:

all who have died recently
and for:

who died at this time in years past.

Bring comfort to all who remember and mourn.  Help us all to live in the hope and faith that according to your promises you will grant us with them a share in your eternal kingdom.

Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, all things were created through you and for you.  We commit into your loving hands all those for whom we have prayed today.  We commit ourselves also to you, thanking you for the love and grace with which you surround us.  May we know your presence with us in all that we do and say in the week that lies ahead.

We ask that you pray with us and for us as we say:

Merciful Father,
Accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.