Intercessions for 2nd Sunday of Advent – Year B

In our prayers this morning when I say “Lord of all glory,” please respond by saying “hear our prayer”.

Lord of all glory,
hear our prayer.

Our God speaks tenderly to his people and cares for them as a shepherd cares for his sheep. Let us therefore bring to him our thanks and our prayers for our own needs and the needs of others.

Lord our God, in this Advent season we pray for your church throughout the world. We pray that she will indeed be a herald of good tidings, speaking in a strong voice of your glory revealed in Jesus Christ.

In our Anglican communion we pray for our Archbishops [names], for all Bishops and other leaders whose words will be broadcast on television, radio and by newspapers. Give them wisdom and guidance when they ask, “what shall I cry?” Open the hearts and minds of all who hear or read your prophetic voices so that they may receive with gladness the salvation you offer to all who believe in your son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lord of all glory,
hear our prayer.

Lord our God, we pray for all the nations of the world and their leaders. We pray that in all the uneven, rough and unjust places of the world the way may be prepared for you to bring equality, healing and justice to all your people.

We pray particularly today for the people of the Holy Land where Jesus, your word made flesh, came to live alongside us. Let your Prince of Peace bring a new spirit of reconciliation among those who have brought division, suspicion and danger into the streets of Bethlehem and Jerusalem.

Lord of all glory,
hear our prayer.

Lord our God, we pray for the communities in which we live, work and worship. We pray that with your help we will reveal your glory in the way we live and serve you.

If we become over-busy, stressed or tired speak tenderly to us, gather us in your arms and bring us back to a place where we can rest and re-focus on the one great truth of Advent and Christmas: that you have come to us in humility and with patience so that we may see your glory and salvation in our lives.

Lord of all glory,
hear our prayer.

Lord our God, we pray for all those in particular need who are weak and vulnerable. We pray that they will be touched by your gentle tenderness bringing them comfort and strength. We pray for:

And in our own hearts, in a moment of quiet, we bring to you our concerns for the needs of those we know and love.


Let your loving and gentle kindness surround them all.

Lord of all glory,
hear our prayer.

Lord our God, we remember before you the lives of those who are now with you in your eternal Kingdom where one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.

We give you thanks for the life/lives of: (RIP) / Year’s Mind

And remember too (Year’s Mind)

Praying for those who are missing them still, especially at this time as we prepare for Christmas.

Lord of all glory,
hear our prayer.

Lord our God and heavenly Father, we bring our prayers to you, trusting in your great faithfulness and compassion. As we look forward to celebrating once again the birth of your Son, Jesus Christ, help us also to look forward to the time of his coming again and to prepare ourselves for that day when your kingdom will at last be established on earth.

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.