Intercessions for the Feast of Christ the King – Year C

“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”
(Luke 23.42)

 Using adapted Taize chant,
“Jesus, remember us when you come into your kingdom”.

Let us offer our prayers to Jesus who is Christ the King
trusting in his love and compassion and his promise to be with us as we pray.

Choir:  Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

All:      Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

We are your people living in the world today.  Sometimes our differences divide and wound us.  Sometimes we are oppressed or persecuted for our faith.  Yet still we work to proclaim your Gospel of love to people of every race and background.  Jesus, remember us.

Choir:  Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

All:      Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

We are leaders of nations and people with power and authority.  Sometimes we are bowed down with the burden of responsibility.  Sometimes we fall short of the standards of honesty and integrity we once strove to maintain.  Sometimes we put our own interests before the needs of those we serve.  Jesus, remember us.

Choir:  Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

All:      Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

We are the forgotten people of this world.  We live in refugee camps facing the harsh cold of winter.  We are hungry and thirsty and we have no fresh water.  We are ill and frail but have no medicines.  We despair and see no reason to keep living.  Jesus, remember us.

Choir:  Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

All:      Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

We are the people of this community and this congregation.  Some among us are unwell or distressed, struggling with the demands of life or concerned for the wellbeing of those we love.

But always we give thanks for the good things in life, our family and friends who love and support us, our homes and the fellowship we share here.  Jesus remember us.

Choir:  Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

All:      Jesus, remember us
when you come into your kingdom.

Loving Lord Jesus, you showed us
that not even death can overcome the power of love.
We pray for the coming of your reign here on earth
for the kingdom, the power and the glory is yours ever and ever.
