Intercessions for Saint Luke – Years A B and C 18th October

In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ, let us pray to the Father.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the life, work and witness of Saint Luke.  We pray that, like him, we may be ready to give a clear account of our faith to all who seek an understanding of the Gospel of Christ.

We pray for church leaders and all Christians who are called to speak of their faith on television and on radio and those whose writing is published and widely read both within the church and beyond it.

May the witness of your people bring light into the darkest places of the world.

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

Loving God, we pray for all who are weak, fearful and vulnerable in our world today; for all who are oppressed and treated with contempt and injustice and for those who are seeking freedom and new lives in foreign lands.  We ask that you give us and the leaders of the nations a compassionate understanding and the wisdom and willingness to support and care for your suffering children.

We continue to pray for peaceful resolutions to the conflicts in Syria, Jerusalem and throughout the Middle East.

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

Loving God, we pray for this community, for our neighbours, friends and family
and for all those we encounter in our daily lives.
We pray that we may see Christ in others and that they may see Christ in us.
We thank you for those whose ministry includes cleaning this church and keeping it tidy and we pray this week for all who live in Church Street.

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

God of hope and healing, your servant, Luke, tended the sick and understood human frailty.  We pray for doctors, nurses and all who care today for those who are suffering in body, mind or spirit.

We pray that your gentle and powerful love will surround them bringing light into their darkness and peace to calm their fears.

We pray especially for …….

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

Eternal God, we remember those who have died holding fast to their faith in Christ and those whose faith is known only to you.

We thank you for the example of Luke and all your saints and pray that we may live each day in the hope and faith that you will grant us with them a share in your eternal kingdom.

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

Heavenly Father, we offer these prayers to you trusting in your readiness to hear us and in your compassionate loving kindness towards us and those for whom we have prayed.

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.