Intercessions for Christ the King – Year C (2)

Let us pray to our heavenly Father who created all things in heaven and on earth. He knows our needs and the needs of the world and reaches out with love and forgiveness to reconcile all things to himself.

We pray for the church throughout the world asking God to forgive us for the divisions that separate us and to heal the wounds that those divisions have caused. We pray that the church, Christ’s body, may be united and strengthened by Christ himself who holds all things together and has first place in everything.

We pray for all who hold the power and responsibility that comes with authority. We pray that the spirit of Christ the King will teach them humility and a willingness to stand alongside those who depend on them for leadership.

We pray for all who suffer pain and mental distress through illness or through the cruelty of others. We pray that God’s power and spirit will strengthen them and bring them the healing and peace that belong to Christ’s kingdom.

We pray for the saints who have gone before us and now live in God’s eternal light, giving thanks for their witness and encouragement and praying that we will share in their inheritance within the kingdom of God’s beloved Son.

Heavenly Father, you have rescued us from the power of darkness. Help us to walk in this world as citizens of your kingdom of light where Christ reigns as King in glory for ever and ever.  Amen.