Intercessions for Christ the King – Year C (1)

We pray to God our Eternal Father through our Saviour Jesus who is both Christ the King and the Son of Man and who understands our needs and the needs of this world.

Eternal Father, we pray for your church, of which your Son is King. We pray that you will draw us together and unite us in the love of Christ that we may proclaim with one voice your justice and righteousness in a broken world.

Eternal Father, we pray for your world, of which your Son is King. We pray for peace, reconciliation and healing in the places of war, hatred and crucifixion. We pray that the nations of this world may be united and subject to the rule of Christ the King, through whom and for whom all things were created.

Eternal Father, we pray for our communities of which your Son is King. We pray for the communities of our friends and families, our church and our places of work and study. Help us to know the people around us to be our brothers and sisters in Christ and to serve them as Christ the King would serve them.

Eternal Father, we pray for all those who suffer, among whom your Son is King. We pray that they will know the presence of the Son of Man alongside them and the power of Christ the King within them bringing peace and healing according to their needs.

Eternal Father, we give thanks to you for all that you do in our lives. We commend to you all those for whom we have prayed and ask that you use us and our prayers to make a difference in their lives for we ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and King. Amen.