Reflection and Prayer for Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity – 30th September 2018 ( Proper 21)

This material was first published by Redemptorist Publications
and is included here with their permission.

Mark 9:38-50

Life’s complicated enough

One of the major banks invites us to invest in them “because life’s complicated enough”. This phrase might appear in today’s Gospel reading.

Life’s complicated enough without worrying about whether people are on our side or not. If they’re not hurting us leave them alone.

Life’s complicated enough without wondering from whom you should accept a drink of water. Whoever offers you refreshment will benefit from that service.

Life is complicated enough for young people and those new in faith without you making things difficult for them to join you in fellowship and to grow in faith.

Life’s complicated enough without you keeping in your life anything that distracts you or keeps you from the Kingdom of God. Don’t waste time trying to find a way of keeping up those destructive habits, thought patterns and negative feelings about others whilst also serving God. Free yourself from anything that separates you from God whatever the cost – even if it’s like losing part of your body.

Life’s complicated enough: life will test you, it will flavour you with people, situations and events which will shape your personality depending on how you deal with them.

Life’s complicated enough without you losing the salt of God which seasons and preserves your soul. Do whatever it takes to keep that salt of God for yourselves and for each other – life’s too complicated to do anything else.

Lord Jesus, we live in a complicated world and sometimes our lives get complicated and difficult to manage. Free us from the things we treasure or the habits we have which keep us from entering fully into your kingdom and preserve our souls with the salt of the Spirit.  Amen.