Intercessions for Circumcision and Naming of Jesus – Years A, B and C

Numbers: 6:22-end
Luke 2:15-21
Heavenly Father, your son came into our world in human form and you gave him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth.

Hear us now as we pray in the name of Christ Jesus for the needs of the world in which he lived among us in human form.

Through your prophets, Lord, you spoke words of blessing on the people of Israel. We ask today for your blessing upon all who confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. We pray that where Christians are divided over doctrine and interpretation of scripture your voice will be heard speaking the true and living Word, calling for unity in love and peace among all believers.

Lord hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.

Lord, as the shepherds once did we have celebrated the birth of Jesus among us.
As they once did, enable us now to glorify and praise you and to tell others of our experience of your presence in our lives.

We pray for the life of this gathered church and today we pray especially for (n) and (n) in their ministries as our priests and lay ministers. We pray that you will bless them and keep them, that you will be gracious to them and give them the peace, wisdom and understanding they need to continue in their work among us.

Lord hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.

Heavenly Father, we pray for all who wield power in this world and who have responsibility for the welfare of others. We pray for the victims of those who abuse that power and deny that responsibility

We pray for the people of all countries where there is not the freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life that we enjoy and perhaps take for granted.

We pray for a true resolve to create a new order of justice for all peoples, in which the poor are fed, the oppressed are freed and even the most powerful of nations submit to the just and gentle rule of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Lord hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the community in which we live and worship.
We pray for all who live in…  [insert area/street];
for the members of the cubs and scouts and their leaders.
for children and young people returning to school or college this week. [1]

We pray for families in which this holiday time has increased tensions and fears
and for families who have been grieving and have felt more acutely the loss of a loved one.

Lord hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.

Heavenly Father, you sent your son to live among us in human form and he knows the dark side of human life, the suffering, the fearing, the grieving and the despairing. We pray in his name that you will be alongside all who are now travelling a dark and painful road.

We pray for:

and for others on our hearts.

Lord, we pray that you will make your face to shine upon them and be gracious to them that they might know the blessing of your presence.

Lord hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the birth of a baby into our world we also pray for those whose lives in this world have ended and who now receive healing and the blessing of eternal peace in your presence.

We pray for:[1]

and this week we remember:

As we remember them, help us to live in the faith that, in Christ, death has become the gateway to life and hold us in your love in life and death.

Lord hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.

Heavenly Father, your son came into our world in human form and you gave him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to your glory who is God and Father of us all.

Merciful Father,
Accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.
[1] Local concerns, places, organisations