Intercessions for St. James the Apostle 25 July – Years A B & C

Matthew 20:20-28

Jesus, the Son of Man, came not to be served but to serve us and to save us from our sins. Let us bring to him now the needs of our world in faith that he will hear our prayers and use them in the service of those for whom we pray.

Lord Jesus, we pray for your church and for her leaders. Through your power and grace let the good news of love and redemption extend to more and more people so that voices of praise and thanksgiving are heard throughout the world to the glory of God.

Lord Jesus, we pray for the leaders of the nations. Let them know that with power and honour come responsibility and accountability. May those who govern do so for the good of all their people and with the respect and gentleness you show to those who are most weak and vulnerable.

Lord Jesus, we pray for the life of our own community especially for all those who hold positions of responsibility as employers, as administrators of the law and as teachers. As you served those who came to you, so may they serve those who depend on them for a livelihood, for justice or for education.

Lord Jesus, we pray for those who suffer pain and illness, those who are anxious or bereaved and for those whose journey in this life is ending. Let them know that just as you shared in the pain and suffering of life so will they share in your healing and, at this life’s end, your resurrection into the glory of God.

Lord Jesus, as we offer these prayers to you we also offer ourselves into your service and pray that you will work in and through us to answer prayer in the lives of those around us.